Maddie's Minute

Maddie shares a minute of her life in this flat world of ours.....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Stay at Home Mom

As of Friday, September 7 I officially went on maternity leave. I am now a stay at home mom for the next 10 weeks. Me... stay at home mom. I never thought those two would appear in the same sentence! I will enjoy the benefits though and especially enjoy these last few weeks of Maddie and Me time. I know that we'll still still have Maddie and Me time after Amelia arrives just like I'll have Amelia and Me time, but I'm sensing that my girl needs some reassurance.

Every morning we have the same ritual. Dad gives us kisses and heads to work. We eat breakfast together. Maddie feeds the fish and then we drive to school. Even though it's only three short blocks, who wants to walk when one is this pregnant? So, we drive! Maddie loves the wind in her hair and loves screaming "Ni Hao" out the window to the all of the guards we pass on the way to school.

The second year of school for Maddie is so familiar yet different. She's so much more "present" when we arrive at school. She knows to get the yellow folder out for Ms. Preeti and she knows to go to the chart of the wall where she puts a check next to her name and then puts a check in the box of chocolate milk or apple juice for lunch.

On Tuesday, I went into her class during Centers time. Ms. Preeti was helping the kids perfect their people drawing skills. No more stick figures for these little ones! They are noticing and drawing in the details now!! I was at the station where the kids pasted a head-shot photo onto paper and then drew in the rest of their body. Their first attempts were hilarious! Typically, the girls paid attention to the details like the colors of the flowers on their desk and the boys... well, they just wanted to finish it and get onto the next station. It was great fun witnessing all of this!

Stay at home mom? I don't know if I could just stay home, but I sure love going into Maddie's class!

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