Maddie's Minute

Maddie shares a minute of her life in this flat world of ours.....

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Maddie Shares Her Life!

It's the October break in China no which means we have an entire week at home with the newly formed four. It's a good thing because we get to figure out how to bring Amelia into our daily lives. I am so cognizant of Maddie's feelings and emotions right now. She's like me though and as long as she is helping, then she is just fine. Andy and I can't be Amelia hogs in other words! Amelia "belongs" to Maddie just as much!!

Maddie always wants to hold Amelia - even when she's crying. She is a bit frustrated that she can't feed Amelia, but she helps out in soooooo many other ways. Maddie is in charge of getting everything ready for Amelia's bath. She has the list in her head knows exactly what to make available: tub, soap, PINK washcloth, Amelia's hooded towel, lotion, TWO diapers (just in case), new clothes. It was actually Maddie's idea to have two diapers - smart kid!!!

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  • At October 6, 2007 at 6:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Amanda, this is to you...
    You are an incredible mother, obviously very in tune with your babies. What a great thing! You love fully and unconditionally...which is just about the greatest gift a mother can give her babies.

    It looks like Maddie is well on her way to loving fully, too. She is an incredibly loving sister.

    These are great times, with many more ahead. Enjoy the moment!

    As your big and much older sister, I am so proud of you!

  • At October 13, 2007 at 7:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Delightful seeing older sis Maddie with her gentle touch upon the new kiddo's forehead.

    Congratulations from Texas! Beckett (and family)


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