Maddie's Minute

Maddie shares a minute of her life in this flat world of ours.....

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Warm Afternoons After School

This week at school was China Alive, which means that all middle school students go to various places around China for a week long field trip. The 8th grade trip is quite grand with kayaking, rock climbing, caving, mountain biking, traversing through the air 100ft up along a rope. Basically, it's everything a pregnant woman should NOT be doing so I was lucky/unlucky enough to stay home and work on the middle school schedule for next year. What this means though is that I don't have kids staying after school everyday so I'm able to come home at a good time that leaves lots of play time with Maddie.

Today we sent daddy off to the driving range and just played across the street at the playground. There is a trampoline over there that Maddie simply loves. She jumps 6 inches off the ground but the look on her face makes it seem like she is jumping 6 feet! We jumped on the trampoline and went down all of the slides before making a couple of hopscotch patterns with chalk.

This was Maddie's first experience with hopscotch! It was fun to write the numbers down and have her tell me what comes next. How did that happen? She kind of had a hard tie with the hopping on one foot thing so we practiced jumping with our feet together onto one number and then our feet apart for two numbers. What a blast it was! we hopped and laughed before coming in to enjoy an apple juice ice pop. The sky was so blue and wind was just slight - it was a perfect day after school! Even Lester sat with us the entire time - I actually think he was considering climbing up the slide. Hope to have more of these this week as we wind down the school year!

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