Maddie's Minute

Maddie shares a minute of her life in this flat world of ours.....

Monday, May 21, 2007

Snacks - What Would You Choose?

Maddie has a hollow leg lately. She ate three pieces of pizza the other the night PLUS a huge bowl of watermelon. She then turned around the next day and ate about the same amount for a brunch Sunday morning. When she gets home from school everyday, she's super hungry so Ms. Zhou gives her a snack. However, since she has a hollow leg lately, she gets another snack before dinner when we get home at 5:00. So this was today...

Andy drove Maddie and Ms. Zhou to the Links office where Ms. Zhou catches the shuttle bus home and then Andy offered to buy her ice cream. Who could turn that down, right? So she ran inside the house, screaming at the top of her lungs... "I've got ice cream - I've got ice cream." I thought we could debrief about the day around the table so I grabbed myself a vegetable plate and decided to sit next to her. She had a choice: ice cream or vegetables. Guess what won! Vegetables won and in her words, "trees (broccoli) are fun to eat!"

She was finishing up her veges (still ignoring the ice cream in front of her) when she saw a jar of olives inside the fridge when Andy opened it. She had another choice: ice cream, vegetables, or olives. Guess what won! Olives won and in her words, "pickles (olives) are silly to eat!"

She finally did partake in that ice cream and then proceeded to eat a huge plate of shrimp for dinner immediately thereafter. Who is this kid?

Given the choices, what would you choose?!

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  • At May 22, 2007 at 2:25 PM , Blogger b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

    You are so lucky Maddie. Your refrigerator has some good things to eat in it. I would choose olives and tree for supper too if I actually had some to eat.

    Grandma Barbara

  • At May 27, 2007 at 7:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    If it were up to me, I'd choose Jamoca Almond Fudge Ice Cream from Baskin-Robbins...its my favorite! Reading this posting last week made me crave it all week long! I tried to fight it as long as I could. You and I both know that it was inevitable that I would have to go get some. So, I finally took a road trip today to go get some ice was worth the wait! Next time you make it back to Bloomington, we'll take a road trip, too! Ask your Mommy to tell you all about her cravings for Schooner Hot wings! Did Mommy share with you when Aunt Sissy and Uncle Bubba brought her some this spring???

    Aunt Sissy


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