Maddie's Minute

Maddie shares a minute of her life in this flat world of ours.....

Friday, May 18, 2007

Chinese Fun Day!

Chinese Fun Day!

I have to giggle a bit because at Maddie's school, they plan days focused around all things China. I think the parents expect this too. Sometimes I just want to say, OPEN UP YOUR DOOR, but a lot of expats surprisingly aren't comfortable really getting in there.

Admittedly, we are about 50/50 when it comes to experiencing the China around us. It's not because of desire though - it's because of time! When Maddie's Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Earl visit us in China, they remind us quickly what it's all about. We'll head off to school and they'll head off to the most excellent adventures around Shanghai. Oh The Places You'll Go!!! (A most excellent post by Maddie's Grandma! - Go to Friday, May 11 on her blog!)

Maddie has a great day at Chinese Fun Day! Though I think she has just as much fun with Ms, Zhou on their Fridays together. I actually stayed home this Friday while Andy went to a school function and was able to eavesdrop on Maddie and Ms. Zhou when they weren't outside playing or going to movie night. The entire conversation is in Chinese and I have NO CLUE what they are saying. They were chattering back and forth, singing songs, Ms, Zhou even "corrected" Maddie in Chinese when Maddie splashed her with her bath water - Maddie responded with excuses in Chinese that went something like this.... "but Ms. Zhou, I do this every week to you and I think it's funny!" I stay out of the way because the minute Maddie sees me, she stops speaking Chinese. She's not embarrassed - it's just that it doesn't make sense to speak to a non-Chinese person in Chinese.

Chinese Fun Days can really be everyday if we want them to be. We are a very lucky family and Maddie is a very lucky three year old!

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