Maddie's Minute

Maddie shares a minute of her life in this flat world of ours.....

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Maddie's FIRST/SECOND/THIRD Golf Tourny!

I lied... er, um, okay I fibbed.

Maddie attended her first PROFESSIONAL golf tournament a few weeks ago. She actually attended her second EXTREMELY IMMATURE, er, um... I mean, Amateur golf tournament today! SAS holds an annual golf tournament for its staff and parents every May. This was actually Maddie's second SAS golf tournament! So, I fibbed kinda sorta a few weeks ago when I wrote about the BMW Classic.

Maddie and I took Andy to the clubhouse around 11:00 so that he could "practice" (aka: sit in the clubhouse and do some serious male bonding) and then came back home to grab our camera because we were the official picture takers for the tournament. How I got roped into that one, I don't know, but all of the men thought it was pretty funny seeing the pregnant lady on a golf course! Maddie was okay for the first three tee times, but then quickly grew restless and got in "trouble" by playing in the sand traps. I see no problem with that if she's out of the way and quiet but the Links management thought otherwise... I'm so NOT a golfer. Andy says I have the Too Loud gene. Maddie must have the same gene but at least we have fun!

I let two of the school's secretaries, Eva and Ruby, take Maddie for awhile so they ended up in a golf cart taking pictures of various people. Maddie was so happy to be on the golf course. Andy and I were talking again last night about how we are choosing to raise her. How can we explain that this isn't NORMAL when all she knows in her short little life is surrounded by these surreal things that her father and I didn't do until our twenties/thirties? I guess that is why we talk of going "home" for at least a year to help her stay grounded.

Maddie and I met up with Cooper and Tonya after an hour of picture taking and climbed in another golf cart to race around the course. Three year old - golf course - quiet. Those are three words that prove over and over again to not go together! Thank goodness Andy played with the same team that he played with last year so they remember her running down the 14th fairway towards Andy one year ago. She did the same thing again today just because she could. She LOVES being a part of his life. Loves asking questions about golfing, Loves saying "good job daddy", Loves wishing him luck and giving him kisses. As she said tonight after a very exhausting day, "Daddy is my favorite mommy, but I love you too."

Aw, shucks..... at least she doesn't lie or tell fibs! ;)

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  • At May 13, 2007 at 6:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    We couldn't help but notice Maddie's Chicago Bear outfit! How cool is that? I am glad to see it on her! And, we noticed Andy's Chicago Cubs hat! Go Andy!!! At least they won today, so you don't have to be too embarrassed!

    We loved seeing all the pics - they are great! Don't forget to have someone take and post a recent one of Maddie's Mommy and the little peanut yet to be born. It's been awhile since we have seen the bump!

    You tell great stories, Meemah's almost like being there with you. Thanks for keep us in know...great to hear from you all. We love you, Sissy and Bubba


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