Maddie's Minute

Maddie shares a minute of her life in this flat world of ours.....

Friday, March 2, 2007

Birthday Parties!

Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Earl flew home this morning. We had a WONDERFUL time while they were here and Maddie really loved being a granddaughter while they were here! After Andy left to take them to the airport, Maddie and I went to Rigel's birthday party. Maddie helped wrap the present this morning and made a card where she signed her own name. It was nice having all of the young children together on a Saturday. Roqueya and Malin were there from Maddie's class and Roxanne and Wrenzi were there to help all of the little ones during the dinosaur egg hunt! Ri-Ri as his family and friends call him is in sync with Maddie. They are like magnets to each other and seem to be on the same wavelength. It's fun watching them talk with each other!

Maddie spent most of the party telling him that she got him a present (even while he was preparing to blow out his candles). She had her first stab at hitting a dinosaur egg pinata and played with all of her friends until she could play no more! Now the questions have started....."when's my birthday Maddie?" "Five more months, " I say. The only problem is that she only knows how to measure time in sleeps so she's convinced that her birthday is in five SLEEPS!

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